
Catch up

Have you ever met people, and then just known that you are going to be really good friends? 

Welp, that happened to me last month while starting my internship at the World Affairs Council. I am so excited to be working with the talented bright minds that I have met there. They are so welcoming, smart, open minded and international. I am so lucky to stumble upon this opportunity. Professionally, I am in awe at the things they have accomplished and want to mimic their every move. From the places they have lived, to the languages they speak- I am floored by their wisdom. 

Sometimes at work I feel like this:

If you are thinking about getting your tonsils out anytime soon.. be ready for a real deal bed ridden recovery. I got mine out last Thursday. It seriously feels like I have swallowed a couple sea urchins and then drank shots of lemon juice. Simply swallowing is something I have to give myself a mental pep talk to do. The convo goes something like this:

Me: "Come on Meg, you are tough.. you can do this.." 

Me: "No, no, not again, no this is torture!"

*Then that terrible Kelly Clarkson song about what doesn't kill you makes you stronger plays* 

Me: "Ok, fine- It won't kill me" *gulp* 

Me: "ahhhhhhh, WHYYYY- I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die"

*then I don't die*

...and zone back out into a drugged up trance from the pain killers.

And, well that cycles happens every ten minutes!

I am now on day three and am very thankful for; Mommy, ice chips, broth, text messages from my sisters, music, Netflix, Daddy, my sketchbook, Jello and a care package. 

They say it only lasts 2 weeks! Whewwwww. I can do it.

My song of the morning is this:
and I like this part the most, 

Stanby the stairway, you'll see something
Certain to tell you confusion has its cost
Love isn't lying, it's loose in a lady
Who lingers, saying she is lost
And choking on hello

All for now! Peace.