
It's nice to have creative friends

I'm not big on bars or loud parties so for my birthday this year I did what I love most. 
I created.

I collected small knick knacks and things from all sorts of corners and crevices of my office, room and neighborhood for a full blown DIORAMA DANDY.

I invited my friends to come over and indulge in a glittery mess of fun and make any kind of diorama they desired.

It. was. so. fun.

My good friend Kyle hosted and prepped most of the logistical goodness.
The music, food, lighting and location. 
He really is the best.

And so are his cooking abilities.

Then we all just got to work!

Some of us had a hard time giving up Sunday football for crafts, but
the internet age is good to all.
And I was happy to see the Packers make a brief cameo to celebrate my birth.

I was pretty impressed with all our different styles and creative abilities.

Here are the final products:

Ashley made Utah.

Nick and Rachel made a solar system.

Trey made an MJ shrine.

Katie made "Kyle and the evil eye"

Kyle made this figurine that was me in three fingered troll form.

See the resemblance? 

My cake was so swanky and I was just the happiest kid when they broke out in song.

Cheers to good friends, birthdays and dioramas!